Discover Kurinji Andavar Temple: Kodaikanal’s Spiritual and Scenic Gem


The Mystique of Kurinji Andavar Temple: A Kodaikanal Treasure

Nestled amidst the rolling hills of Kodaikanal, a hill station renowned for its ethereal beauty, lies Kurinji Andavar Temple. This sacred abode dedicated to Lord Murugan isn’t just a spiritual sanctuary—it’s a place where history, natural wonders, and devotion intertwine to create a truly unique experience.

Unraveling the Temple’s Origins: A Story of Love and Faith

Kurinji Andavar Temple’s story began with an extraordinary woman named Leelavathi Ramanathan. Once of European descent, she embraced Hinduism with unwavering passion. After the passing of her husband, Ponnambalam Ramanathan, the former Solicitor-General of Ceylon (now Sri Lanka), Leelavathi found solace and purpose in building a temple in his memory. Constructed in 1936, this temple would become a symbol of both enduring love and devotion.

But there’s more to the name “Kurinji Andavar Temple”. “Kurinji” refers to a remarkable flower that graces the hills of Kodaikanal with vibrant blue blossoms, but only once every 12 years. The temple’s association with this rare, almost mythical bloom adds a layer of mystique and wonder.

Location, Timings, and Planning Your Visit

  • Location: Kurinji Andavar Temple sits just 3 kilometers away from the enchanting Kodaikanal Lake, offering visitors a serene escape from the town’s bustle.
  • Temple Timings: The temple’s doors are open to devotees and admirers alike from 7:00 AM to 7:00 PM every day.
  • Best Time to Visit:
    • The Kurinji Bloom: If witnessing nature’s marvel of the Kurinji flower in full bloom is on your bucket list, mark your calendars! The last bloom occurred in 2004, with the next anticipated around 2036.
    • Mild Weather: Kodaikanal’s most pleasant seasons—summer (March to May) and the post-monsoon period (October to November)—offer ideal weather for exploring the temple and its surroundings.

The Heart of Kodaikanal: Your Homestay Haven at Lushgreen

Choosing the right accommodation elevates any pilgrimage or spiritual journey. Lushgreen Kodaikanal Homestay stands as a beacon of comfort and hospitality. Its convenient location near Kurinji Andavar Temple and other Kodaikanal highlights allows you to maximize your time. Experience authentic Kodaikanal life while enjoying personalized service and the comforts of a home away from home.

Exploring the Temple and Beyond

  • Lord Murugan, God of the Hills: Kurinji Andavar Temple’s presiding deity is Lord Murugan, also known as Kartikeya, the Hindu god of war. His title as “God of the Hills” underscores the profound spiritual connection between this place of worship and the surrounding landscape.
  • Architectural Artistry: Take time to appreciate the temple’s traditional Dravidian architectural style. Notice the intricate details on the carvings and the imposing ‘gopuram’ (gateway tower) that marks the entrance.
  • Inner Sanctums: Within the temple complex, smaller shrines honor other beloved Hindu deities, including Lord Ganesha, the remover of obstacles; Lord Vishnu, the preserver; and the Navagrahas, representing the celestial bodies.
  • Nature’s Embrace: Step outside the temple and let your gaze sweep over the breathtaking panorama. The Palani Hills paint a majestic backdrop, while in the distance, the Vaigai Dam shimmers—constant reminders of Kodaikanal’s splendid natural setting.